Getting Ready for Fall Season: A Guide for Dog-Owners
The dog days of summer will soon be over and we're here with a fall season guide for dog owners!
The leaves are changing, sweaters are being pulled from the attic… and our dogs are more eager than ever to get outside and play!

For many pet parents, fall is the best time of year because it's ideal for getting outside and enjoying life with dogs.
However, this specific season brings some hidden dangers, potential problems, and stressors for our furry friend.
In this blog post, you’ll learn about preparing yourself and your Fluffy Friend for the upcoming colder seasons.
What should pet owners be careful about?
When is the great time to go out?
Keep on reading and let us know in the comments what you think afterwards!
The Darkness and the Cooler Months

Many dogs get their daily walks after the sun has already set during the shorter days and longer nights of the autumn months.
While they’re mostly relaxing, nighttime walks introduce a new set of dangers that aren't present during the day.
With reduced visibility, it's more important than ever to keep a close eye on your Fluffy Friend.
Carry a flashlight with you on walks at night to keep you safe.
Make sure your pooch is visible in the dark.
Reflective collars, harnesses, vests and leashes are excellent for this purpose and can help to avoid accidents.
Also, remember to consider your own clothing when getting ready for an evening walk - you need to be visible in the dark, too so wear some reflective clothing!
Not only does the fall season bring longer nights, but we also have to get ready for much cooler temperatures.
Older dogs and those with less undercoat are particularly susceptible to cold and damp.
It affects their joints, preventing their enjoyment of an autumnal walk.
In such cases, wearing the appropriate protective clothing of any kind to protect against colder temperatures is advised.
This clothing should fit comfortably and keep your pet warm without restricting movement.
Let your dog determine the length of your walks.
Several short walks through the autumn woods may be preferable to one long walk for older four-legged friends.
Related: What You Should Know Before Getting a Second Dog
Wild Mushrooms
Piles of fallen leaves create the ideal, damp environment for wild mushrooms to grow.
While not all fungi are toxic plants, identifying and distinguishing those that are can be difficult.
As a general rule, keep your best friend away from all wildly growing mushrooms.
If you have a yard or a garden, check it out for toxic mushrooms before letting your dog out.
Mushrooms can sprout up overnight, so check on a daily basis.
Pick up any fallen fruits, especially apples, plums, and apricots, which contain toxic seeds, while you're checking.
Fungi thrive in the moist soils of autumn, and eating mushrooms can be deadly to our four-legged friends.
The best way to be safe is to not let your dog eat any mushrooms, including those that are safe for humans.
Also, be careful when playing fetch: if you throw a stick and it lands on forest floors or in a pile of leaves, your dog may accidentally pick up a mushroom in their mouth.
If your dog has picked up something while out for a walk, always check!
Parasites Don’t Hibernate

Many pet parents mistakenly believe that fleas die off as the weather cools.
The truth is that fall is the peak season for fleas!
Only prolonged cold weather will kill fleas.
Flea infestations (and the itchy skin and allergies that accompany them) are more common in the fall than in the spring or summer because dog owners tend to back off or reduce their flea prevention this time of year while also spending more time outdoors.
As well as fleas, ticks can remain active in temperatures as low as 44 °F (7 °C).
Dogs that live in tick-infested areas, such as woods, water, and meadows, must be protected from these blood-sucking parasites.
Tick repellents are an effective method of protecting your dog.
If you do not want to use these, you should thoroughly inspect your dog after each walk and remove any ticks.
The dangers of harvest mites to dogs should not be underestimated.
These tiny pests' larvae can infect a dog by puncturing their skin and sucking their blood.
This causes an allergic reaction that causes itchiness, so your dog will scratch and lick the affected area, which is usually the paws, nose, ears, or stomach.
As a result, fur loss, skin irritation, and inflammation occur.
To avoid this, dog walkers should avoid environments that are favourable to harvest mites.
Meadows, local farm fields, forest edges, and gardens, as well as damp, sunlit areas, are examples.
If you don't want to be limited to walking the streets during the autumn season, consult your veterinarian about gentle but effective preventative measures.
Related: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Your First Puppy
Dangerous Seasonal Foods
One of our favorite aspects of fall and the upcoming holidays is the abundance of tasty sweets and treats available at this time of year.
Unfortunately, many of our fall favorites are toxic to our Fluffy Friends.
The majority of dog-owners already know to avoid the most common food hazards like chocolate, onions, and sugar-free sweets, but some lesser-known foods can be just as dangerous if not more so.

Avoid grapes and raisins, which contain an unknown toxin that can cause kidney failure.
Avoid high-fat foods such as turkey skin and dark meat, ham, and gravy, which can cause pancreatitis, a painful and lifelong condition.
The day following Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for veterinarians diagnosing canine pancreatitis.
Though some nuts are safe, it is best to avoid them altogether in favour of foods that are more species appropriate for your dog.
Though it may be difficult to resist those puppy dog eyes begging for a bite of your holiday meal, it's always a good idea to provide them with a special dog-safe treat instead.
With sweater season we usually put out mothballs to prevent the little insects from invading our wardrobes.
Make sure to take extra precautions when unpacking your cold weather clothing, such as keeping mothballs properly stored and out of reach of pets.
Mothballs contain high levels of toxic insecticides, which are all toxic to dogs.
Mothballs can cause anaemia, vomiting, lethargy, and liver or kidney damage if consumed.
If swallowed or chewed, they can cause choking or intestinal blockage.
Consider alternatives to keep moths away.
For example, cedar balls, chips, or blocks can be used in drawers instead of mothballs, and a simple sachet of lavender not only smells lovely but naturally repels the fibre-snacking pests.
Seasonal Allergies
Did you know that there's also a good chance that ragweed, pollen and mould can affect our dogs?
They can cause itching, scratching, rubbing, watery eyes, runny noses, difficulty breathing, and ear infections in our four-legged companions.
When it comes to seasonal allergies, the best defence is a good offence!
Bathing your dog on a regular basis with a gentle dog shampoo can help to remove allergens while also soothing itchy skin.
Keeping your dog's paws clean, either by wiping them every time he enters the house or by installing a paw washing station near the backdoor, can help prevent allergens from being tracked around the house and onto bedding.
A thick coat will keep your dog warm in the winter, but don't let it become matted, as this will invite bacteria and skin infections.
If you let their hair grow out a little, you may have to brush them more frequently, but it will be worth it when they're all snuggly, clean, and warm.
Related: How I Became a Better Dog Owner

Now that you know what to look out for, you're ready to enjoy the beautiful fall months with your dog by your side! Let’s have a quick overview:
- Get the necessary equipment for the darkness and the cold weather
- Watch out for potential hazards like mushrooms and moulds when you’re outside
- Remember that parasites don’t die during colder months
- Make a list of food your dog can’t eat
- Watch out for seasonal allergies, keep you dog groomed
Do you agree with our fall precautions?
Do you have anything else to add to our list?
Let us know in the comments below!
We’re always happy to read your thoughts.
Until then, make sure you…
… stay Fluffy!
Your MrFluffyFriend Team
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How do I stop my dog from barking every time someone goes past my house, in one sense he is being a good guard dog.?
Hey there! Hopefully this blog post can help you out:
MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
Hey Linda,
We’re so sorry to hear that your pup might be suffering from excessive barking. We have a post about that called “How to Stop Your Dog’s Excessive Barking” please check it out if you have the time! There are some tips that you might find useful there. :)
Lots of luck from Your MrFluffyFriend Team